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  • Comments on Profile Post by ScoFu13

    1. Flarey
      Good, Thank you! ^-^

      What about you?
      Apr 23, 2015
    2. ScoFu13
      Good. Haven't seen you around in a bit :)

      I'm good, the usual :) :)
      Apr 23, 2015
    3. Flarey
      Yeah, I'm mostly on factions, as a result I lost my mcmmo on prison. :-:

      New name: Flarey
      Apr 23, 2015
    4. ScoFu13
      Ahh, yeah that name change will get ya. Sorry to hear. I don't really get in game much on MV anymore. I usually get on, do trivia to give away my kit, say hi and then continue on.
      Apr 23, 2015
    5. Flarey
      Ahh, ok. Sad to here, your not on much then.

      I don't really chat, but I normally get put into conversations and get a lot of alerts which I just answer. :)
      Apr 24, 2015
    6. ScoFu13
      Well the community in game is quite rude tbh and i dont see many on that i used to know well, lots of people have moved on including myself.
      Apr 24, 2015
    7. Flarey
      Myself, as well. I am currently playing different games but yeah. :)
      Apr 24, 2015
    8. ScoFu13
      Well, I am pretty sure you know where I am. I'd be happy to say hi to you where you are. PM me.
      Apr 24, 2015