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  • Comments on Profile Post by Sound

    1. ImTopmass
      Excuse me? You are a kid as well. Why do you have to be so rude after a post that's over 3 months old?
      Apr 21, 2015
    2. Sound
      I can use things that are things 3 months old there is nothing wrong with that and a kid are
      Apr 21, 2015
    3. ImTopmass
      Thanks, kid.
      Apr 21, 2015
    4. Sound
      Mb i accidentally posted ill continue but kids are under the age of 13 you realise a teenager is 13 i called you a kid because you act like your 2 good ay sir.
      Apr 21, 2015
    5. ImTopmass
      It's all right with me actually, I thought you had the maturity of a 14-year old which I like. I don't want to fight, can we be friends?
      Apr 21, 2015
    6. jarroy
      No u homo
      Apr 22, 2015