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  • Comments on Profile Post by ChloyyBear

    1. ScoFu13
      Apr 19, 2015
    2. ChloyyBear
      Yeah. I'm all about that reddit,
      Apr 19, 2015
    3. ScoFu13
      Regardless of where that is from, that is just horrid. You dropped a notch for me. So many people suffered unnecessarily and you feel it's a joke...
      Apr 19, 2015
    4. ChloyyBear
      I'm quite aware that millions of people suffered in this point of time and see the positives and negatives: It caused millions of men, women, and children to be annihilated in gruesome methods. It also provided us with many new discoveries in medicine and gave many people across the world Comedy Gold. All in all they did not die for nothing.
      Apr 19, 2015
    5. Valor
      This isn't funny at all.
      Apr 19, 2015
    6. ChloyyBear
      What do you find funny then, sir?
      Apr 20, 2015
    7. Valor
      I'm good with any type of humor besides laughing at the deaths of other humans
      Apr 20, 2015
    8. ChloyyBear
      Oh so you're prejudice of these dark humored jokes? How sad. I'm all about Equality! Shame on you!
      Apr 20, 2015
    9. Valor
      Right. I am Jewish, and I find this extremely insulting.
      Apr 20, 2015
    10. ChloyyBear
      That had nothing to do with what I just stated above. *Argument Invalid*
      Apr 20, 2015
    11. Spice
      my personal philosophy is that no one can live a positive life until they move on and learn to make light of something bad so it doesn't drag them down
      Apr 20, 2015
    12. ChloyyBear
      Apr 20, 2015
    13. ImTopmass
      Not funny.
      Apr 20, 2015
    14. ChloyyBear
      Thanks for the unnecessary OPINION. :D
      Apr 20, 2015
    15. ImTopmass
      This actually is not funny, you're going to attempt the people in this community who are Jewish mad at you.
      Apr 20, 2015
    16. ChloyyBear
      http://www.reddit.com/r/ImGoingToHellForThis/new/ I think you will find that many of these jokes are hilarious to many people here
      So yes, it is funny, though what one considers as humor is different. I find these jokes unbelievably comical. Labeling it as "Not funny" is making you look ignorant as F*ck by thinking an opinion and fact are the same. So why don't you cut it out. :)
      Apr 21, 2015
    17. Valor
      Alright, let's not get out of control. My personal opinion is that this isn't funny in the slightest, but that is just me. I didn't mean to start an argument, and if we could all go back to doing what we were doing that would be lovely.
      Apr 21, 2015
    18. ElectroStorm
      Hilarious af lol
      Apr 22, 2015
    19. ChloyyBear
      It's funny. Stop being autistic with the questions please.
      Apr 25, 2015