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  • Comments on Profile Post by PayUp

    1. UncleUrnesto
      Apr 19, 2015
    2. PayUp
      I am surprised and impressed of how much you have improved not only as a player, but also, as a person. That i truly respect. We should skype sometime on kitpvp if you want to?
      Apr 19, 2015
    3. UncleUrnesto
      I don't have Skype anymore due to it being hacked, I have TS and we can talk sometime. If you don't have it download it at: Teamspeak3.com
      Apr 19, 2015
    4. PayUp
      Ok, btw I remember when I first started to talk with you on forums. It didn't go well, the reason being was I messed up which was my fault. Sorry for that, hope we can be friends. I will download it soon.
      Apr 19, 2015
    5. UncleUrnesto
      The past is the past, it's all good, yes we are friends :D
      Apr 19, 2015
    6. PayUp
      :D! I hope that once you get to know me as a person, you may change your mind even though I messed up badly.
      Apr 19, 2015
    7. UncleUrnesto
      I don't know what you did, if you'd like to remind me go head, it won't change anything, we'll still be friends :D
      Apr 19, 2015
    8. PayUp
      I saw your app and how good it was, so I asked you to look at mine just give me pointers and you got mad at me. I don't blame you at all, after you told me I was like, crapppppp.
      Apr 19, 2015