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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ohmic

    1. canucksfan44
      ty firo <3 ily never dought yourself.

      Plz re-apply also :D :P
      Apr 5, 2015
    2. Ohmic
      Give me some time to think about it...

      Plus, I doubt Cypriot would give me a second chance
      Apr 5, 2015
    3. canucksfan44
      You never know firo but I will let you make your own choices and not force u. :) Just know I am here for you.
      Apr 5, 2015
    4. Ohmic
      Meh, third chance at moderator? He would assume I'm power hungry. However, I'll see if I can, but if I do apply, won't be the most "active" person
      Apr 5, 2015