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  • Comments on Profile Post by 196

    1. Zambiana
      Blitz is such bs in URF.
      Apr 5, 2015
    2. 196
      3.5 second pull, 5.8 second ult, both 1:1 ratios on ap :D
      Was laning with Panth, vs Shaco/Eve and we still won somehow
      Apr 5, 2015
    3. Zambiana
      You have no idea of URF fear until you verse Blitz + Alistar.
      Apr 5, 2015
    4. 196
      Yeah there was an enemy Ali, the ult spam is pretty crazy plus with flash on a 60 second cooldown he could do these flash Alistar-sec plays then just ult and walk out of our team
      Apr 5, 2015
    5. Zambiana
      Not to mention his damage and CC is up 100% of the time.
      Apr 6, 2015
    6. 196
      Yeah played a Leona/Blitz, we could comfortably keep a permanent chain of being either stunned or silenced.
      Apr 6, 2015
    7. Zambiana
      I've just been playing Orianna, 60/3 W/L ratio lol.
      Apr 6, 2015
    8. 196
      I played her a couple games in urf, the ball spam is super fun, though the ball travel time is kinda long sometimes and management can get overwhelming with that much cdr.
      Btw do you know who Catsexual is? He has like a 48/2 w/l ratio with Nid in Challenger NA ranked, it's crazy
      Apr 7, 2015
    9. Zambiana
      Nidalee is cancer.

      I versed an Alistar, Sona, Nidalee, Soraka and Janna today, it was over in 8 minutes.
      Apr 7, 2015
    10. 196
      that team sounds brutal... they're all pretty much op in urf AND all have heals, counting Janna's ult since it's on like a 20 second cd
      Apr 7, 2015
    11. Zambiana
      Yeah that's why it ended so quick. :(
      Apr 7, 2015