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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ordi

    1. Ordi
      And with the vid, could you show it to me?
      Apr 3, 2015
    2. ImTopmass
      It's a video of him hacking.
      Apr 3, 2015
    3. Ordi
      By him telling me, he said that it's a glitch that when you hit at a point, you chat, it will continue hitting for like 4 seconds, also he said that Cyp fixed this glitch, so they will be no more of this. Still can't believe FreezeGod, saw that hack, if it was, but maybe this was a mistake.
      Apr 3, 2015
    4. ImTopmass
      No mistake.
      Apr 3, 2015
    5. Ordi
      I'll say that to him, he is in lobby 1, if you want to talk to him... He is also... depressed
      Apr 3, 2015
    6. ImTopmass
      I'll talk to him.
      Apr 3, 2015