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  • Comments on Profile Post by boxjeremy

    1. xSoulHero
      What do you mean?
      Apr 3, 2015
    2. boxjeremy
      So someone said theres going to be a reset NOW the hole server is freaking out IS THERE GOING TO BE A RESET TO DAY
      Apr 3, 2015
    3. Speculations
      He means he is a hoodrat and is sorry for what he says. Please block him ~ICantPvPHD
      Apr 3, 2015
    4. xSoulHero
      Most likely it is untrue, or I would know by now. So don't believe what others say. Only believe it once a staff member (Cypriot & Crew) make it official.
      Apr 3, 2015
    5. elrak
      There are no resets planned for OP Factions and I doubt there will be any for a few months. There is however, a reset planned on Survival and perhaps Factions.
      Apr 4, 2015