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  • Comments on Profile Post by Zambiana

    1. Zambiana
      but you end up fighting for a lost cause, pretty sure the streets were showing you no remorse, all your homies be holdin' up in the jail, you tryna sell all your sh*t for some bail, you hustled, and bustled you even sold yourself so low that you drugs, you be kissing men with the same mouth you need to kiss your kids, damn yo-
      Mar 30, 2015
    2. Zambiana
      But this time you finna hold it down, you were pushed over the cliff and you're gone, like tryanamo, it's a warzone in your head, but your kids is the ones who be sufferen, so you grabbed a pen, you tried and tried, but you grew tired, your kids be growing up now, but you, you just stressin-
      Mar 30, 2015
    3. Zambiana
      tryna get the food on the table, couldn't even fix yourself to find yourself a man, always crying, wishing you could just die then, to scared to ask help-- and i lost my train of thought here.
      Mar 30, 2015
    4. PiLe
      B my MC BF or nah?
      Mar 30, 2015
    5. Zambiana
      Mar 31, 2015
    6. PayUp
      ^^ GG its official. hue hue
      Mar 31, 2015