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  • Comments on Profile Post by Blocky

    1. Max
      It depends how you look at it. Calling a player pathetic is uncalled for, especially from a moderator.
      Mar 22, 2015
    2. PandaBear__
      I wasn't trying to call the player pathetic, but okay. >.>
      Mar 22, 2015
    3. LennyThePotato
      Gosh Max you're so rude!!!
      Mar 22, 2015
    4. Max
      Oh.......What did you mean den? ;-;

      Lenny, my post wasn't neccisarily rude, I was just stating that calling someone pathetic is uncalled for.
      Mar 22, 2015
    5. PandaBear__
      maybe i shouldve made it more clear to cyp, and everyone else. but what i meant to say was "the amount of times someone has made a thread about a mod being inactive is way too much. it's pathetic, one is enough."
      i wasnt necessarily calling him pathetic, obviously. if i wanted to, i wouldve said "oh wow, you're pathetic." but hey, i didnt.
      Mar 22, 2015
    6. PandaBear__
      I understand Cyp's point of view and his reasoning for demoting me. But I just want you to understand that I never intended to call the player pathetic, at all.
      Mar 22, 2015
    7. Max
      Okay, thank you for clearing that up. That is a completely different way than what I saw it as. Thanks :)
      Mar 22, 2015
    8. Feurin
      Mar 23, 2015
    9. PiLe
      It wasn't Cyp that demoted you. It was Crew.
      (Just wanted to clear that up)
      Mar 23, 2015
    10. PandaBear__
      Thanks babe.
      Mar 23, 2015
    11. PiLe
      Love ya babe. c:
      Mar 23, 2015