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  • Comments on Profile Post by Cha-Ching

    1. Zambiana
      Depends on what you mean by positive, positivity cannot come without negativity. Dreams are like a knock at the door, if you don't get there in time then it's gone and you'll never know if they'll come back. So chase your dreams.
      Mar 21, 2015
    2. Cha-Ching
      Thank you. I'll be sure to keep this in my head! :)
      Mar 21, 2015
    3. Zambiana
      :p what field are you trying to push yourself in?
      Mar 21, 2015
    4. Cha-Ching
      Not really a field, but my dream is to get better in basketball and hopefully one day get drafted into the NBA.
      Mar 21, 2015
    5. Zambiana
      Hmm, makes sense, also remember that mistakes are lessons as long as you learn from them, just keep your head up and surely one day you will make it.
      Mar 21, 2015
    6. Cha-Ching
      I never really thought of mistakes that way... But wow it makes a lot of sense that mistakes can be lessons if you learn from them. And yes I will keep my head up for that dream because I want it bad!
      Mar 21, 2015
    7. Cha-Ching
      Even if that means breaking a few rules... ;)
      Mar 21, 2015
    8. Zambiana
      Naughty! I was going to say something else but that would have encouraged you.
      Mar 21, 2015
    9. Cha-Ching
      It's fine. Could you please say it though?
      Mar 21, 2015
    10. Zambiana
      Rules are flexible, you can bend them to your will and they shouldn't break.
      Mar 21, 2015