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  • Comments on Profile Post by karate20

    1. elrak
      I believe you should apply when you're actually more well known, just some helpful advice.
      Mar 18, 2015
    2. karate20
      Dear anyone reading this...decided against applying for staff, due to some thinking and comment(s)(Thanks for the advice, although i've played the server for three years, but who cares?). Maybe I'll apply in a month, but for now, no. Thanks, K2.
      Mar 18, 2015
    3. Gokufarts
      Mineverse has not been up for 3 years. If you ever want moderator don't lie.
      Mar 18, 2015
    4. jedijosiah
      before you try to act all upity up with us maybe first get to know the forums better as this is a dog eat dog forum site we will chew you to bits.
      Mar 19, 2015
    5. karate20
      Ok...btw, I'm sry Gokufarts, I hit the wrong button. My apologies. D:
      Mar 19, 2015
    6. Gokufarts
      I don't believe you but okay.
      Mar 19, 2015