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  • Comments on Profile Post by PiLe

    1. PayUp
      Ikr, already this morning I saw 3-4 and tagged @Alexa ;). But yeah the forums need help.
      Mar 10, 2015
    2. mr rob
      mr rob
      Pile you apply for mod you will help the server a lot <3.
      Mar 10, 2015
    3. PayUp
      She has. ;)
      Mar 10, 2015
    4. mr rob
      mr rob
      Did she again ?
      Mar 10, 2015
    5. PayUp
      Yes, but for (Forum Mod) only not ingame.
      Mar 10, 2015
    6. mr rob
      mr rob
      Mar 10, 2015
    7. boxjeremy
      I posted a report 3 days ago and no one viewed it WTF STAFF
      Mar 10, 2015
    8. kirbyo32
      Pile i think they miss us >.>
      Mar 10, 2015
    9. Max
      "They" do!
      Mar 10, 2015
    10. Broken
      Mar 10, 2015
    11. CreeperZ
      Ikr I post a thread like 1 month ago about me losing everything and it's still not sorted like WTF?!?!?!?
      Mar 10, 2015
    12. Broken
      Well, that would be due to the fact that you ignored the advice I gave you and continued to be rude and tell me I didn't know anything because I wasn't a staff member. When you were proven wrong by multiple other players, you just didn't reply.
      Mar 10, 2015
    13. CreeperZ
      I never was rude in the first place, I clearly stated you are not a staff member and, I wanted a staff member to reply cause, they are the people who can help but, the staff members said the same as you which is stupid in my opinion because, the forums are to sort out issues not using emails a forums is a substitute for emails and forums are used to help thats my opinion ;)
      Mar 11, 2015
    14. Broken
      I don't want to spam pile's profile, so im just going to stop here, if you wish to talk more about how this servers staff members, and ex-staff members are stupid please PM me
      Mar 11, 2015
    15. CreeperZ
      Ok, and, i've been playing on this server for 3 years so, I know most of the staff members very well, including Pile. So, I appreciate you stopping too ;)
      Mar 11, 2015
    16. ImTopmass
      This server hasn't been up for two years.
      Mar 11, 2015
    17. Max
      Yes it has Topmass lol.

      It was launched Februrary 9th, 2013. Which means it turned two years old last month. I made the thread about it lol
      Mar 11, 2015
    18. Broken
      But still not 3 years though xD
      Mar 11, 2015
    19. Max
      Mar 11, 2015