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  • Comments on Profile Post by AlexHall2004

    1. Musezeta
      The banning staff member is the only one who can deal with your appeal. Even if I could (which I cannot) it would have to be on there servers I moderate for. If I am wrong someone will correct me on this.
      Mar 7, 2015
    2. Musezeta
      Patience is necessary when going through the ban appeal process; we have many people to get to at times, along with other duties that need we need to stay on top of. They will get to you as soon as possible.

      Sorry for your inconvenience and I hope this helps,
      Mar 7, 2015
    3. Musezeta
      Also for future notice, you can use the "comment" button on the side of a post to reply to keep your conversations orderly and together.
      Mar 7, 2015
    4. AlexHall2004
      But it didn't say who banned me no reason all I know is that
      VamaSa banned me the first time but i got unbanned
      Mar 8, 2015
    5. AlexHall2004
      Hey u there?
      Mar 8, 2015