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  • Comments on Profile Post by Rainbow Dash

    1. jackinatoner
      Its a no because no one likes s haha
      Apr 25, 2014
    2. Rainbow Dash
      Rainbow Dash
      like no one likes you mother fcker you should go get a life and stop trying to hack servers a hole
      Apr 25, 2014
    3. jackinatoner
      Bro I don't hack ask mineterria and also I dont need hacks to beat ur skiny white
      Apr 25, 2014
    4. Spice
      Wow. Jack, you should never talk to another person like that. Homophobic and racist language isn't tolerated nor appreciated here. If you would like to be the epitome of the failure of society, please don't do it here. Go find someone who can help you not be an insensitive badmouthed loser. :)
      Apr 26, 2014
    5. neb
      @MrParkourGuy this is why I love you lol
      May 2, 2014
    6. Spice
      May 2, 2014