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  • Comments on Profile Post by keeper_of_flame

    1. RachetSenpai
      Hehe, how do you not know it's the other way round. ;)

      Mar 7, 2015
    2. BOTBaccalord
      It's the other way around for both of you <:
      Mar 8, 2015
    3. keeper_of_flame
      What even happens when two people are stalking each other? Do we just go in circles? :o And I'm seriously considering just calling you Sugarclanks from now on, for the lols.

      XD Bacca. Oh noes. You've found my mv account. :P
      Mar 11, 2015
    4. RachetSenpai
      Mar 11, 2015
    5. BOTBaccalord
      I've been found it, lol.
      Anyways, Hi SugarClanks
      Mar 11, 2015
    6. RachetSenpai
      Mar 12, 2015
    7. keeper_of_flame
      Sugarclanks is my name for him! *pouts*
      Apr 1, 2015