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  • Comments on Profile Post by RachetSenpai

    1. RachetSenpai
      But a real man does not cry, so I will try and hold on to those expectations.
      Mar 6, 2015
    2. nick ok
      nick ok
      *gets reclassified as a boy*

      wow ok
      Mar 6, 2015
    3. Malc
      Men cry. :t
      Mar 6, 2015
    4. Ohmic
      Actually, a real man does cry. However, since we are somewhat considered the "strongest" sex, we tend to be/act tough. So therefore, us, men, tend to hide our emotions, and thus, resulting into being 'serious' all the time, which is not true. Lol.
      Mar 6, 2015
    5. nick ok
      Mar 6, 2015
    6. PandaBear__
      Mar 8, 2015