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  • Comments on Profile Post by Scorv

    1. ChloyyBear
      There are ways to determine if they are fake or not.
      Mar 3, 2015
    2. Lone_Griefer
      How can you tell when the videos are 10 seconds long? They may not twitch? Is it easy to tell if they are not aiming at the head of the player like real Kill Aura does?
      Mar 4, 2015
    3. ChloyyBear
      For one thing, It will cause no harm in combat, so most likely they will do it when a player is Afk like I see players already trying to do. It's pretty obvious once you've seen normal players report it and have had experience with the hack itself.
      Mar 4, 2015
    4. Lone_Griefer
      Ah, ok. I have had experience with the hack. Which, I think I can be trusted not to false report with it ever. Also, I tested if others could see it, which they can't, so if anyone saw him recording it and wasn't doing anything, then hopefully they would say.
      Mar 4, 2015
    5. ChloyyBear
      I'm going to make sure all of the staff can see the difference between real kill aura and this fake hack.
      Mar 4, 2015
    6. Lone_Griefer
      Ok, good. Thanks for the video proof of the fake and real hack. Let's hope people don't get smarter and produce ones that look real.
      Mar 4, 2015
    7. Scorv
      I agree
      Mar 4, 2015
    8. GizzBots
      I suggested this to Cyp when I told him about this.. Having been the one who told Cyp originally, I would've thought the staff knew already. I suggest 'afk' reports are not acceptable.
      Mar 4, 2015