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  • Comments on Profile Post by Cryptic

    1. canucksfan44
      Yeah...it's because we all can't get on minecraft as easily as we can get in the forums.
      Mar 3, 2015
    2. Cryptic
      Ah k, but really, I only see staff on like 1 hour a day on op prison...
      Mar 3, 2015
    3. canucksfan44
      Well OPprison isn't the only gamemode on Mineverse also.
      Mar 3, 2015
    4. Cryptic
      Tbh, mineverse needs to cut down on the amount of servers. There doesn't need to be op pvp, sky grid, and survival, it's not really worth the trouble.
      Mar 3, 2015
    5. canucksfan44
      Eh. Well it's Noobcrew and Cypriots choice. They wanna attract more users with different gamemodes.
      Mar 3, 2015