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  • Comments on Profile Post by solmill7

    1. PiLe
      Apr 23, 2014
    2. Edward Ray
      Edward Ray
      it wasn't fair, i was pushed by my older brother when i was on my chair. :( well you won fair and square. <3 :3
      Apr 23, 2014
    3. solmill7
      it is ok Kewl i wont tease you for it D':
      Apr 23, 2014
    4. PiLe
      ININJAI and Rising teamed me once and and killed me. SO unfair. :(
      I had 3 sets of /kit guard on me too. D:<br /> jerky noobs. LOL
      Apr 23, 2014
    5. solmill7
      Pile they gave you /fly for a reason
      Apr 23, 2014
    6. PiLe
      Yeah but I was told I wasn't allowed to use it when in pvp on factions. So I assumed the same on Prison. :'(
      Apr 23, 2014
    7. Edward Ray
      Edward Ray
      You see, i begged sol for everything. #solmill4mod
      Apr 23, 2014
    8. Spice
      I let him kill me.
      Apr 23, 2014