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  • Comments on Profile Post by PiLe

    1. gianni024
      True :/ all those haters these days.
      Feb 28, 2015
    2. Ordi
      True. People can be mean and cruel these days to our fellow staff member's
      Feb 28, 2015
    3. LeeLee
      Arent human anymore :(
      Feb 28, 2015
    4. Zambiana
      To be real, I don't think I have ever upset about being demoted anywhere nor if people hate me. If you're hated you're doing something right. In the same sense, if I had to I'd rather be hated then adored, less pressure. But honestly, he wasn't a good mod at all.
      Feb 28, 2015
    5. l0wkey
      Feb 28, 2015
    6. elrak
      But hating is my thing. ;(
      Feb 28, 2015
    7. PiLe
      He had to go as far as to make is profile private because of all the mean sh!t kids were writing on there.
      It's just cruel.
      Feb 28, 2015
    8. Zambiana
      I didn't see what people were saying, but Mineverse isn't known for having a mature playerbase. Need some hardthrown mods back who aren't stand to stand up to people.
      Feb 28, 2015
    9. elrak
      I think he made his profile private because all of his haters were getting likes off all of the demotion messages.
      Feb 28, 2015
    10. NiceMeme
      Feb 28, 2015
    11. NiceMeme
      Pile, don't act like you haven't been rude to a former moderator. Taylor(13 year old) resigned and then you(25+ year old) starts bashing on her. Quite mature amirite? I find this comment really ironic thank you for your time.
      Feb 28, 2015
    12. NiceMeme
      Oh I'm sorry. I didn't look at your profile close enough. 30+ year old*
      Feb 28, 2015
    13. UncleUrnesto
      @Meowmix I'm ment to be mean, go cry you little baby
      Feb 28, 2015
    14. Zambiana
      You just mad a 30+ year old lady is sexier than you ever will be, now stfu please.
      Feb 28, 2015
    15. TheCreeper
      He was my fav mod, I told him to keep it up. But, people are aholes.
      Feb 28, 2015
    16. PiLe
      Taylor wasn't demoted, she quit. I removed the mean status I made and apologized. I would never make hate threads or post mean things on her wall... go troll somewhere else.
      Feb 28, 2015
    17. elrak
      My thread wasn't a hate one, didn't you see the sad face? ;(
      Feb 28, 2015
    18. PiLe
      I also didn't call her names or say offensive things to her. I thanked her for resigning and opening up a position for active staff.
      It was ty to say, but not at all like these things people are doing to this guy. :/
      Feb 28, 2015
    19. PiLe
      lol no one is flaming, but thank you. If you don't like the notifications you can delete your comment.
      Feb 28, 2015
    20. NiceMeme
      Pile, I don't see where I said Taylor was demoted. If you read my message I said "Taylor(13 year old) resigned" keyword: RESIGNED. So in your 3rd comment you say you didn't call her names or say anything offensive yet in your 2nd comment you say you removed the MEAN status. *facepalm*. You hated on her for no legit reason. Quite immature for a 40+ year old. G'day.
      Feb 28, 2015
    21. Julia
      3yerrt? Yea.. He was a great Mod. So was Taylor :/. I miss them so much. Pile, if you were gone... Mineverse wouldn't be under control anymore. Gl Minverse I'm leaving. Best Mods left. Best of luck ~Jojo.
      Feb 28, 2015
    22. PayUp
      Wow, all you haters need to just leave the staff alone they try their best. And seriously because of all the hate he resigned. (So sad..)
      Feb 28, 2015
    23. djryan
      I'm only going to say this. He made fun of me in the staff chat after I was demoted, and further he had made fun of me when I was promoted, which had lead me to....deny a few requests because I didn't want to work with the .
      Feb 28, 2015