I would first like to thank @Exstatisfy & @RandomNinja14 for inspiring me to do this. Where do I start lol, at school I found it very difficult I was getting picked on and things and it was just very difficult I had 2 friends that were in different classes which meant I was pretty much on my own for most of my time at school. I ended up not going to school because it just became far to much to handle my grades were dropping and I was getting really depressed. Then it started getting worse at home, my mum would call me horrible things and get mad at me for not being able to complete simple task like pass her salad for example. Mineverse was really my only escape but then people (@Alma ) started calling me the names everyone was calling me. They would call me.... A stoner sloth, It is a very difficult life to be a stoner sloth, no one understands you and you don't understand them. I recently have given up the herbs and I am starting to make many friends and my family is starting to accept me more. please watch this video to support the stop of stoner sloths. thank you.
Jhow its okay... the life of a sloth gets better. One day you WILL pass the salad instead of the salt.
lmao yes ty We can only hope #pray4stonersloths <3 Yeah bro Stoned* sloth ok I LOVE U TOO DYNA <3 I miss u and the team sm as well yes I have Jesus we get stoned together dady