You are the dumbest person ever. You bring leafy into this . Where the did that come from LOL. You where looking on her profile and you looked at her comments as well which show more that you where stalking her. The award for the world biggest dumbass goes to this guy.
Okay. Okay. Okay. It's chyer boi. The online babe magnet himself. First off thanks for posting this and linking my profile. appreciate it bud. I also want to just say thank you very much for taking this out of context and not disclosing it as a joke. I like that you use "watch a damn LeafyIsHere video" as your defense, as if you are trying to be leafy. The only difference between him and you is that he has a disclaimer saying not to go on a witch hunt to find someone and harass them, but here you are, linking my steam profile essentially making me look like an idiot, and sending people after me by taking a comment that was clearly a joke, and making it seem as if i were actually hitting on her. Not to mention you call me a 'random kid' but i am actually good friends with her. Like come on buddy, go ahead and try to copy your idol, but take the right steps in doing so, and not just try and make me look like an idiot. Also, why the hell are you going so far back in her comment? that's literally page 14 of her comments. Like hello? Creep much!? Also, you should do some fact checking since, i never even commented it. it was literally someone entirely different who posted that comment. You are probably one of the dumbest/weirdest people I've encountered on the internet, and someone once took my name, remade my twitter profile and tweeted people saying he's gonna rape them because I said i use ad block. So yeah... that's saying something... You need to have some chill, and take a break from your stalker/creepin . Sincerely, Krypt (a.k.a. Cat On A Scooter a.k.a. Online Babe Magnet a.k.a. Random Savage Kid)
Ah, that's nice. I never accused anyone of anything, and I don't see the need to disclose this is a joke. It's a post, deal with it.
It's a post, totally unneeded to be on these forums, I get it you want to be big and famous and reddit is too scary, but a minecraft forum isn't a place to put, I know it's a joke because I'm the one that commented the , you linked the wrong persons profile, you're not very bright, we get it. but at least link the right person, and not play it off as it's real if you know it's a joke
Hi baby girl, everything's okay, I promise, I forgive you. It's okay don't worry about it. Everything's going to be okay. I Love you. I love you so much, I love you more than there are grains of sands on every beach of every planet, of every galaxy of the universe and I need you in my life. I need you more than humans need water and food to survive. You mean more to me than Home Depot means to Mr. Lugerato. You mean more to me than just anything, you mean more to me than gold and diamonds, the greediest burglar. And you're just the most perfect beautiful girl in the whole world and I love you so much, I hope you enjoyed reading this baby girl, see you tomorrow baby girl. I love you... I do it's true...I love you more than anything else in the world, bye bye baby girl, stay perfect