That's ignorant of you to say... no one... NO ONE "Should be bullied" don't be like that. you can't just curse someone of being bullied just because they have an opinion on how to stop getting bullied. It's the harsh truth.. but you can't say stuff like that.. or you're just as bad as him.
Honestly, I thought the same thing at first but soon enough I realised that 'EpicDogz' is actually in the wrong. If you have experienced bullying you would understand the feelings and thoughts it gives you, him posting this and acting as if it is that easy to get away from is stupid. Just because someone has too much time and confidence they have to bully someone in any shape or form is disgusting.
I seriously don't know how people who get bullied feel, because im one of those people who just think everything everyone says is a joke and i usually use flaming as a method of compensating for the harsh words people say. So i wouldn't know so im in the wrong too, cuz i kinda agree with epicdogs... But that's only because i dont know how people feel.
I think I just got 12 types of diseases after reading this thread and the replies. You're a special kind of stupid, dogz.
People handle bullying differently. As for myself, I didn't even care. It wasn't like I had friends, and getting bullied was just showing how mature the little punks were. haha. If you're getting bullied, talk to an adult. They'll know what to do