Use this form to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your forums account name: ZombiePunkGirl The offender's forums account name (link to profile): the_mc_squid A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming Evidence/screenshots. added below The link to the thread(s) with the issue: The pile of crap asked if i wanted a minecon cape and sent me a link to site. The site asks you to pick your cape or rank and then you are asked to type in your minecraft account info. The complete loser is looking to steal account information. You can see the WIX website logo and url but he's trying to make it look legit. Ban the low life scum from the site.. i'm sure he's doing it on other servers.
Do you have the full screenshot? Just so you know, there's no point in trying to hide the full screenshot. I already saved the image which shows you using a chat that looks very similar to Wolfram and using tracers in the background.
i'll give you the full screen shot if i had it, but i only grabbed what i thought would be relevant to the issue. just so we are clear that screen shot was taken while i was in skywars before the game starts cause that is the outline of the glass not tracers. i don't play skywars i was giving someone my $$ so why would i even cheat and tracers? nobody is hiding so why trace an outline of them. Fonts are part of resource packs, so it is possible that it could also be the resource pack i was using at the time.
It's not the recourse pack. The one on the right goes directly to the location of the player next to you.