We haven't really talked much but the few times we have were enjoyable and we should do it more often if you want But you're nice & cool I don't think I've ever spoken to you but you seem nice and if you ever want to talk you can PM me or write on my profile or something I liked you until you edited Christina Grimmie out of your about me (jk) Anyway yes you're nice and we've only talked a few times but you're great Again we haven't really talked but I actually think you're really cool and I've wanted to talk to you for awhile and you were a good mod We haven't talked in foreverrrr and I miss you but you're nice sometimes when you want to be (haha) and playing on your server was fun and you made 'Oh Ms Believer' with noteblocks for me and I was really touched so thank you I've been in a call with you and I love your accent You're really sweet and pretty and thank you for being Cat Valentine I wanna talk to you more because you're great and goals and I love u