You still go to school? It's mid summer break for me. All that I find in a 2 mile range around me house is Rattas and Eevees. FML
Pokemon is lame KrypticPhox> Pokemongo pokemon is good, but GO is lame because i dont go anywhere :'( i can't catch many pokemanz
Actually really good. The holidays are great. 4 holidays. 3 are 2 week long and 1 is about a month long. I love it. The long holiday is in the summer. More time to go to the beach.
You guys disagree with the fact that he hates Pokemon Go? Smh. That makes no sense to use disagree in this case.
I can see my school from my house on Pokemon go, and there is a Gym with a fking charizard in it... I'm only lvl 3 so i can see wat lvl n .. but there is also like 10 pokestops right next to my school, omg im gonna farm for days when school starts