pokemon go was and is sooooooo damn overhyped, i expected something like vr but its literally just using your phone's camera and coding haha. great new way for kids to get sexually assaulted!
Definitely. A girl today walked past and screamed "No wonder you're all virgins". I was laughing my off.
Reminds me of wHen I bumped to two otHer people at tHe park doing tHe same tHing and some otHer guy walking around. Person not playing says "Are you guys playing tHat Pokemon sHt?" We all nodded. He tHen says "My nephew convinced me to go around and drive Him to all tHe stops. At first I tHougHt tHis game was for bundle of sticks, until I started to play it." Was a great day.
This was in the news in australia. My phone was in a puddle of lemonade on the last day of school. Then this comes out and i want to play but have to wait till like saturday. Rip ;-;
This in honestly one of the best app ever, to actually get kids out of the house and exploring even if it is for just pixels on their phone, what society needed. Also what a time to own a data company...
So here's a interesting thing I learnt today. A lot of our teachers play this game and love it, but I was talking to my Deputy Principal, and he absolutely loves pokemon and pokemon go. He grew up with it as a child. He was playing it after school today. It was amazing. The Principal also talked about it on Assembly, just reminding us to watch our surroundings. Best day of my life. :*)
You realize it's her fault for going somewhere she shouldn't of, right? The game even says on the startup screen 'Look around at your surroundings'. That is in no way the games fault.
Her fault. She should have looked around her first. She was prolly going after stupid like an oddish or something. this isnt going to change people's minds about playing it.
it clearly says on the application to be aware of your surroundings, also it's just common sense that when you're near a road or around cars that you should be aware of your surroundings. also if ur running out into the street to catch a virtual pokemon then smhhhhh