This is my school today: There is a stop in my school, and I had the bright idea to put lure on it o see what happens. By the end of lunch, there were close to 400 people out a school sized 1200 all playing pokemon at this stop + teachers. FML Pokémon what have you done??! Hey there was a slight advantage. I got everyone to absolutely love me due to I kept putting down lures lol.
It's an application on Google Play and the Apple Store. You basically walk around attempting to catch pokemon, joining a team and eventually battling against other players within the gyms.
It is as addictive as any drug! Speaking of which, I've got to go get my fix for the day. Im completely out of Pokeballs and we cannot have that happening! :P
Yep. I've been told to put lures down every day. However there will be a fee of 10c to eveyone who uses the stop. One thing that I love is how the teachers at our school don't care and usually join in. Well I'll be charging 10c per person to use my lure. Level 7. Yellow. Started like 3 days ago. Oh god. Lol. I Always run out.
I think alot of us are addicted. My brother, his friend, and I wondered around for a while yesterday looking for pokemon!
I cannot handle this anymore. Pokemon GO is like everywhere and it hasn't released in Canada yet. I'm depressed.