How old are you: 13 What timezone are you in: Eastern time What country do you live in: United States of America What languages do you speak: English Why do you think you should become a mod: I Love the server<3 - it'll be much easier as a mod too report Rule breakers, Not enough mods on at night, I am honest and reliable, I am responsible with power. How long can you be active on the server everyday: I'm on the server 24/7, Night & day, Ask anyone. How long have you been playing Mineverse: I joined around October 2013 Do you have any past experience as a moderator: I've hosted many Hamachi servers, not official servers of course such as this server.
Agree. Also i can't support this that you love the server isn't a good reason for being a mod it says that in the sticked posts if you have read them. You are immature that part is nothing to even arguably.
No support. You create too much havoc, problems and annoyance for one to handle. Your reputation is not good and your not fit for the job.