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  • June Voting Contest

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by JazzMagic, Jul 12, 2016.

    1. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I don't want to seem like I'm complaining, but with that said, I am somewhat ticked off.

      So as you all know, the competition to replace the June Voting Contest just ended, congrats to the 5 winners. But my question is, what even happened to the June voting contest? For the entire month of June, everyone who cared about winning thought that the contest was still going on, including myself.

      Now put yourself in my shoes. I've been Elite for almost two years, which is a very long time without an upgrade, and I haven't paid money to this server because I am unable to, and I am very very grateful that two friends bought me up to the rank I am at now, but 2 years being that rank is a long time. So in June, I decide to go vote for the voting contest because it has been a long time and my birthday is on June 30th, so winning supreme would be an awesome gift. So I vote all 30 days of the month thinking I have a good shot of winning, on June 30th, I keep checking the forums for the top voter post seeing if I got top 5, and the post never came. A few days later I heard word that they were having a competition and I was pretty ticked off, I spent 30 days, almost forgetting, stressing out that I forgot a vote throughout the month, doing everything I could to win voting and it got canceled after it ended.

      A few days ago Cyp made the top voters competition with the random chance and what not, despite the voting contest canceled ruined all my hard work throughout the month of June, I think a random chance contest was the fairest approach, but I still see it as completely unfair to myself and others who spent their time voting. I almost got kicked out of the contest because someone edited their number on the 2nd page and it wasn't recorded and I wasn't notified until Dyna_Mighty said that I got a new number earlier today. I am very grateful that I was picked for the last number and was able to be in the contest. However, I only had a 5.1% chance of winning (as did everyone else), which, considering I was a potential top 5 voter, wasn't a good chance, and like I expected, I lost and I'm stuck at Elite until someone upgrades me for whatever reason or I get the courage to try top voter again.

      The underlying question of this thread is: "What happened to prevent the top 5 voter contest for June to be canceled at the last minute, and was there a way to prevent it? And if so, why wasn't it prevented?

      The random number contest was the best way to go in this situation, but I wish the top voter contest was not canceled in the first place.

      I hope you guys feel my frustration.

      - JazzMagic
    2. Amori

      Amori Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      Me too, I was the first one "Slow_Moe1"
    3. Insolar

      Insolar Well-Known Member

      Mar 18, 2015
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      yeah they should really have an explanation, kind of sucks to give a person false hope
    4. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      I've gone over a year without a rank, you should be grateful.
      Also, just enjoy the voting rewards you get when you vote.
    5. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I am grateful for the rank, it's better than no rank. The only servers that voting really benefited me on are Kit and OP PvP. On half the game modes, I don't even receive the voting rewards if I'm not online.
    6. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I didn't think it was fair for those who voted.
    7. NinjaPanda

      NinjaPanda Experienced Member

      Jan 18, 2016
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      I don't remember what place I was in I was high up there. It doesn't effect me though in Titan :P
    8. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
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      No worries, you can still go for one of the top voters this month!
    9. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      It's wayyyy to late to start voting for this month, I might try in August, I don't know.
    10. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Hey, I totally feel your pain on this. I too was trying to get in to the top 5 along with a few of my friends. I noticed that there was one day in which everyone got glitched out (hence why on the last day to vote there was a max of only 29 votes). Then one of my personal votes got lost on another day and I was like permanently out of the race. :( I was so very disappointed not to see any rewards for their efforts too.

      Here is a screen shot of the top voters taken on 2016-06-29 at 8:01:06 PM EST (UTC-5) showing the top 5 as it was shown in my browser. Of course I realize that may not be the "official" top 5 list for the month.


      I took another print at 2016-06-30 12:53:27 AM EST (UTC-5) and this is what it was showing then.

      For what it's worth, I did notice that there have only been four such contents as listed under the forum thread News and Announcements. Being new to MineVerse I'm not sure if those were the only Top 5 Voter months or has there been more? Has this been a MineVerse tradition that has been going on for the last few years or has it been a new contest for just 2016?

      Yes I do like the daily voter rewards that I get within Prison but they do not motivate me to vote daily. The monthly top 5 voter contest did add an extra special element to the game and it was the reason why I made sure to cast my vote for MineVerse daily. I love the fact that it does provide the opportunity to get a rank that may be impossible to afford otherwise, as mentioned by
      . And I feel, most importantly, it can also build a brand loyalty to MineVerse too; even if you don't win. It's nice to see after a month of dedication that five individuals got something extra special for their efforts and loyalty.

      The big question is will this be back? Will there be one at the end of this month? I truly hope so. At least for now I will continue vote. Perhaps one day more of us will be able to get our names and profile photos listed in the News and Announcement thread with a shiny new rank to go along with it!

      Good luck everyone! My fingers are crossed! :)

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