What are your life goals? Something that you really want to achieve before you pass on. I really want to become an Olympian for running
Become a citizen of the US Get married See Green Day live Travel around the world Become a successful business woman Watch baby turtles hatch from the sand c: Meet my American family Get a duck, or 20 Publish a book (not in that order)
Major in computer science, live somewHere peaceful by myself, own two doges (eitHer a Golden Retriever, German SHepard, and/or Siberian Husky), at least try to own a crow and travel across tHe world. If tHat doesn't Happen, oH well... I guess my demise would be approacHing
lmao actually believe it or not im kinda goin for a toronto police lOL @Jenn @Methylone & have @Teeeb as my neighbour