Recently I opened a Flower Shop on Survival. The warp is ./warp TheOrchid. I sell mostly all flowers, and I will be selling gardening tools soon, along with seeds and saplings. A single flower is 3$. Why so high priced? Flower valleys are very very hard to find on Survival, and so are most flowers, mostly rare ones. Therefore my prices will be high. List of Flowers Lilac Pink Tulip Rose Bush Blue Orchid White Tulip Allium Red Tulip Peony Azure Bluet Oxeye Daisy Poppy Dandelion Orange Tulip SunFlower Again the warp is /warp TheOrchid DONATIONS ARE APPRECIATED /pay Valixta [amount] xoxoxo - teeeb
I can't /warp for some reason. When I type "/warp TheOrchid" it just says in chat "/warp <name>" I really want to see this Val, but I can't with this bug. I'll look at this as soon as possible. <3
Yeah warps are broken rn. If they don't get fixed, I might not be able to find my shop again. read above