Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Ertuiop, Jun 26, 2016.
No support. It's just a rating.
Support! Wow your to cool for it
I can't even rate. :p
Thanks for the reply. Thank you for the Support!
Neutral. I don't really mind if locked threads are rated or not. Edit: (I second this^)
Thanks for your Advice.
Thank you!
Support. Rate abuse on these locked threads would be unavailable
Thanks! And that's One of the main reasons to add that :p
Already been suggested by a several people, including me. Support.
Thanks! :p
Well, yeah... Keep suggesting it until they finally do it :rolleyes: Anyways, support.
Thanks! :D
Support words
Thank you for supporting.
Support, not necessary to rate on locked threads imo
100% support.
Thanks! :D Bump