Welcome to the Mineverse forums! We hope that you enjoy them! The server IP is: mineverse.com | .net | .org The discord is: https://discord.gg/mineverse Our sibling servers: - skyblock.net - skywars.com - minetime.com
Well there is a broadcast msg saying now acccpeting moderator applications check out the forums at: so i think there will be a few members
Code: http://mineverse.com/index.php?threads/i-need-noobcrew-about-my-kits-now-working-and-not-spawning-in-the-new-lobby.170/
(sorry it's not in help I posted already) Please NoobCrew can you clear my inventory on creative? Someone gave my a milk bucket and it kills me when i hold it, it kills me and i respawn holding it D: thanks, Buntobaga
Hello, in Minecraft I am 4cpp. On mineverse I think I found a hacker I have taken screan shots of him.
ANY STAFF OF MINEVERSE PRISON, Sombra101 Is A C blocker and is in the E Mines... So PLZ jail him or something like that thing.