How old are you? i am 11 years old Your in-game name: xxxbajankillerxx What timezone are you in? eastern standerd time What country do you live in? The United States What languages do you speak? I speak english Why do you think you should become a mod? I think i should become a mod because i wake up early mornings and play and people use hacks and swords in prison and any other mini-game. Also I would like to be mod because some of my friends are mods like Beef IN1NJAI used to be and my friend Scofu and I love mineverse and how the created it. How long can you be active on the server everyday? saturdays sundays mondays every other tuesday and every other wednesday. How long have you been playing Mineverse? About a year or so Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I have been a moderator an a server called TitanAge but it got shut down. SHOUT OUTS TO:MrBeefCak3 Scofu and IN1NJAI also Kewl
You'll need more information regarding why you should be a mod. No support. Also, you need to improve your grammar too.
they're opinions and thats what mod applications are for criticism and opinions. And their opinions are to add more detail you shouldn't go on a rampage because they don't like your mod app its because they're giving their opinions.