Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by OriginalMike, Jun 27, 2016.
Is the world flat or round?
the world is obviously flat /s
I vote cuboid
What's it matter, baby? As long as you got a smile, it could be a damn octagon.
It's a circle world in a cuboid universe
Erm... Round
its orange bec y not
It's octopus Der
flat like @thorraks butt
I was gonna say ur flat too but then I remembered ur fat so u can't be flat
fat n ugly
ok that was rude I'm sorry you're not really fat
it's ok ur flat
I told them my mustang was not for sell
This conversation has changed from Earth's shape to Mustangs
this server shold have a idiot rating lol
I vote round.
The world is round like a potato.
I just don't know man
The world is round, just like me