We were never really able to talk given our timezone differences, but you always seemed to do your job well from what I witnessed. Thank you for your service, you will be missed.
The head mods did the right think and handled it correctly, I did not say they handled it incorrect. I resigned because I thought the reason you gave was right and I didn't think I would be able to improve much. The head mods are amazing and they handled it correctly. I also have no problems with you also, what you reported me for you didn't have a say in but I knew it write and wasn't fair for the team. So please don't blame the head-staff.
I did have a say in it - You were not reported for not being 'active' in fact, I said multiple times that you were indeed active, you were reported for not doing your job and being lazy, which a player CAN report for. Realistically, a player can report a mod for anything that can effect them, and you not doing reports was not fair. I do blame the head staff as they immediately closed it unjustly, one of them decided to rate a post which they're not allowed to do considering a normal player cannot rate, and on top of it, 24 hrs was not provided.
This isn't the place for you to bash the staff Gizz. Take your salt to a PM please. As for the dislike I gave you Reborn, I disliked that you tagged Gizz and felt that you were instigating drama on this resignation thread and well look now.. @Jhow you will be missed. Please don't let the hate from some get to you. Thank you for your time as staff and all the work you did here.
NOOOOOOO!! This is the one of the most worst things ever happened in the Mineverse community. :( Jhow = Resigned & Banned.. :( Sad to see you go, my friend. Hopefully you'll come back later.
^^ agreed. I'll miss you my little sloth king, but I know this will be a lot better for you. Love ya!!
You have no idea how much I'll miss you bud. Love you and your humor, let it live long. Remember you're still my bff ; ) ps - THE TITLE LOL
I remember the sloth song... On Dubtrack... Sigh... Jhow... :( We'll miss you... ;-; You were an amazing, amazing, AMAZING Moderator...