Well this is my resignation thread. I have had moderator for 4 months and have enjoyed it a lot, I have had many great expirences and made tons of friends. It's going to be hard leaving the team as I loved everyone on it. The positive side to this is that I will be able to release my inner savageness, it can be difficult being a moderator and getting abused daily by player when you are just trying to do your job, now I will finally be able to defend myself. I won't do anything to the staff team because I love them and don't want to make there job any harder than what it already is. The reason I'm resigning. Ok, so Gizzbots recently came to me and complained about my inactivity with reports, I was really hoping to fix this but didn't end up doing so. He then a week later made a staff report on me, even though it got handled invalid, I knew it was right. I made a covo with the head mods and cyp to resign but they talked me into taking a brake and thinking it over, so I did. I'm resigning for real now because it's not fair on the team, I have lost motivation to do reports from just getting treated like **** in game and just makes the job that was once fun become more like a punishment. The mods that have been hear for 3-4 months deserve like an award, they have to put up with so much crap and still find the motivation to help the server out daily. @Pile I loved working on the team with you. You don't know how much I will miss you, you are the coolest person ever. You have made me laugh so much but have also got my back, you have made my experience as a moderator so much fun and I will truly miss you because you are just an amazing person and an amazing friend. I thank you for giving me the chance to be mod and I'm sorry for having to resign :( @Nanurz I have always thought you were a cool, funny guy. I would like you to know that every time I talked crap to you I was only joking, I think you know I was joking but just making sure. I would like to thank you for giving me the chance of being moderator you were an amazing at your job and a cool guy as well <3 @Dyna_Mighty I'm really going to miss you dyna, you have such a big heart and you are funny as hell I'm really going to miss you. I would like to let you know that you are doing a amazing job as staff manager you truly deserve it. You have always been helpful and just a great friend. I'm going to miss you <3 And last but not least... massive thanks to my best friend @Alma <3 You were the best mentor I ever could've had and I couldn't be more happy that you got re-promoted. S0 yeah, thank you guys for giving me the chance to be moderator and for all the support you guys gave me. For all the people who gave me and the other staff team hate....... gtfo
I'll miss you more than anything.... You were my best friend on the team and you did an amazing job no matter what anyone else said. <3 Stay strong my sloth... I will always be your mentor :(
Well, @GizzBots. Jhow, I really don't know what to say, I'm not joking. I admire the fact that you've decided to resign, instead of listening to the head-staff and taking a break. Normally, when moderators take a break, they end up resigning anyway. You went ahead and decided to do what you felt what was right, and I respect that very much. I thank your service and dedication to MV, and wish the best of luck in your future. I told you were a sad sloth, I was right ;D Your a savagely sad sloth.
Well, thank you for your service. We will all miss you and we all love you. Wish you luck in your future! <3
You were one of the funnest moderators and you have an amazing sense of humour. It is really sad to see you go, now be free savage sloth!
"(( I will miss working with you <3 Ily yep haha kill your self U know it thanks :D! I still did what the head mods told me to do, thank you though Thank you guys <3
You were such a great moderator, I liked to consider you and me good friends we talk quiet alot im just so sad to see a great person like you over come this challenge but its better to resign now and fix your problems then to be a moderator that has no wanting to go on i really hope you have a great time being a savage. You will be missed <3 sloth love.
I'm very sorry for asking Pile, but reason for your dislike? If it is something that has offended you, I can perfectly edit it out for you.
dw about it, the only thing I can see that she'd dislike in that msg is you tagging me, most likely due to the fact that I made a very much valid report after instigating. Jhow, don't get me wrong, we have zero personal issues. I remember you pre-mod, and I believe you used to come on TS and talk with me. I appreciate that you decided to be respectful about the situation. With this said, I am quite disappointed with the head mods for their ignorance - That report was in no way 'invalid' as stated by Jhow. I was fair and approached him about this, and yes, it is the players right to instigate about whether a mod is doing their job as it is the mod who will be leading the player. Jhow, I wish you well. Stay active in the community though.