The old one was gravedug so yeah. You everyone reading this you ask yourself,who are you in the community of MV? Are you a scammer? Are you a reporter? Are you a mod? Are you a person that everyone likes? You ask yourselves. WE ARE MV PEOPLE WE STRIVE TOGETHER. We must bring happiness! Mineverse is our homeland. By the lord @CypriotMerks and @Noobcrew. All of you have a reason in this server. Choose wisely my dear friends. As we are #15 in mc's servers. Lets not put to that waste. We have all gone through tough times but now no more. We must work together in order to be the most active server. "Success doesn't come to you,you must earn it!" Keep being happy.
I guess I'm mysterious? I mean, I don't have any connection (as in being engaged in it) with the community, thus, no one has an idea on who the hell I am. copied and pasterino from the other thread. then i have come to think about it, only to see myself as a failure with memes that eventually become dreams f e e l s b a d m a n