What is everyone's favorite game other than Minecraft? And if your favorite game IS Minecraft, then what's your favorite gamemode on Mineverse? :P :3
Omg I used to play that all the time and have recently started again, lol. My favourite is Town of Salem! c:
Pokemon, SSBB, Overwatch, DS3 (Dank Souls 3), BL2 (Borderlands 2), FNV (Fallout: New Vegas), Portal 2 and LoL. Some game that I like but I still haven't finished: Witcher 3, Dishonored, TES V (sorry to disappoint lol) and Undertale (yea, yea.. fanbase is absolute trash but the game itself is good.)
For real though, my favorite games are; - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Civilization V - CS:GO - Witcher 3 - Sims 3 - Assassins Creed - Call of Duty: Black Ops I & II - Battlefield 3 & 4 - Dishonored - Wolfenstien: The New Order - Grand Theft Auto IV - Fallout 3 & 4 - Fallout New Vegas - Halo 3