Hmm Considering it was a Joke. I own the accounts RatchetAssHoe, BanMyAss, Wowmypenisgrew, and Qaizleh.
Ign: Plushly(Cxstile) Age: 15 Rank: God What brings me to this clan: Xxpvpkingsxx is a good friend of my Y I think I can accept to the clan: cuz I can help my clan member when they need help
IGN: CoridiumX PvP skill (1-10): 9 Age (13+) 15 almost 16 Rank (If you have one) VIP What you can bring to the clan?: gang life pvp god ez rekt nerds Why you think you should be accepted to 3Hunnit: i ez drop 90% of op pvp
IGN: TEWPOTTED_ PvP skill (1-10): 7 Age : 15 Rank: Titan What you can bring to the clan?: I am a good trash talker and I can pvp. Why you think you should be accepted to 3Hunnit: I am good friends with the current members. This clan is going to be become popular very quickly.
When you ditch mineverse and go to hcf you're gonna get slaughtered. Wbc made his last faction raidable in a day.
PvP skill (1-10): 100 I died because I let u Age (13+)Nope Rank (If you have one)Sponsor What you can bring to the clan?: Good things like kill ppl Why you think you should be accepted to 3Hunnit: I am Good
IGN: Keewey PvP skill (1-10): I would say 7 Age (13+) 15 Rank (If you have one) God What you can bring to the clan?: I can bring cake. But seriously, I make packs a lot. I'm a good PvPer. I am happy to give sets when people need them. I'm a nice guy once you get to know me. Why you think you should be accepted to 3Hunnit: Because I am a high rank. The I don't get a long with the people in my old clan (I got dossed by one not gonna expose who). Also I made a pack for you and when I'm warmed up I can beat half the members in the clan as it stands.