OK this is getting quite annoying! PLEASE do something about this server! Theres almost no way to play without running into at least 1 hacker! Since it seems you guys dont care because my last post want even replied to after i did what a staff member wanted me to do! This video i posted has some hackers in it! Isnt it your job to catch and ban hackers? And i am not going to go over the footage YOU can! If you dont want to then this server is just going to get worse! IGN: littleODB78 Hackers: Kristopher Dean Maxen2 FazeBank Miloandsugar Stormwasp Reason for suspision: All kill aura or sometime of attack hack and i believe FazeBank was using criticals!
Please edit your report and use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: The offender's exact ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/full screenshots.
The hackers I caught in this video were KristopherDean and Maxen2. I couldn't find Miloandsugar in the video and we cannot accept reports about the hitting at spawn, as there is a client that can make it look like this. As for FazeBank, I am unsure.
Thanks for looking wolfie! Im glad to help btw! I think ive helped catch about 4 hackers by now! I will keep trying.
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Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.