I have no idea if this was suggested already but I seriously think Infection needs random spawn points, so people don't spawn kill.
It's a nice concept, but I don't really think it's necessary. Spawn killing in infection just shouldn't be allowed period.
I don't like the idea. There are certain places on maps where zombies shouldn't be able to spawn near, and this would cause a lot of problems in the first minute of a game, when people are trying to get to a location on the other side of the map and a zombie spawns halfway there.
Neutral, I would love to prevent spawnkilling, but if there was random spots where zombies would spawn.. it could prevent a person going to a spot while the zombies are just first spawning.
You can easily solve this by restricting the areas the zombies can spawn or having more than one spawn points (not random but prevents spawn killing to be concentrated so it is much easier for zombies I support
I'm sure there is a plugin which stops zombies from using the random spawn plugin for like the first 20 seconds or so. Anyway people get a chance to get to camping spots at the start of the game when there are no zombies and when the zombies are chosen, they are chosen in areas where there are humans so it doesnt really affect it much. If they cant reach it the desired camping spot then tough luck as its part of the game.
Maybe random spawnpoints within a 4 block radius of the original spawnpoint? If they could be spawned anywhere on the map then there's no chance of hiding.