We have converted from PlotMe to PlotSquared, we have converted over 300k plots. If you're unable to access your plot create a new plot, we apologize for the inconvenience. Use /plot help for list of new commands. Use /plot auto to create a new plot. Use /p home <visit> to visit someones plot. Use /p chat to talk in chat in the plot you are on, only players standing on this plot can see it. Use /p chat off to go back to normal chat. Use /plot kick <player> to kick a player from your plot to spawn. Use /plot deny <player> to deny someone from your plot, when you do this kick them after. Use /p add <player> add player to your plot, but they can only build on your plot when you are online. Use /p trust <player> to add a player to your plot, with this they have access to your plot when you are online or offline. Use /plot merge to merge the plot you are standing on, with another plot. This feature only works if you own two plots next to each other. View the full list here. You can no longer use /plotme Please let me know if you experience any issues with the new plugin. I'll do my best to fix them asap. Thanks.
I am very scared right now, I spent hours with two other builders building a great infection map yesterday. Thanks for the update though. :eek: