if you had proof of him griefing you could of reported him and he would receive a punishment but without proof there is nothing we can do Sorry :(
Im sorry but its not going anywhere this problem without legit proof he will Not be punished and that is Final :(
No, but without sufficient proof they cannot ban him. If they banned without proof there would be plenty of false bans. There must be proof before they can ban so if there is no proof then I am sorry but there is nothing they can do about it. Make sure you are careful about who you trust to avoid this type of thing happening.
How about you? it doesn't sound right but its posssible you could of griefed because you have acess to it im not saying you did but without them seeing Him actually griefing they will take it as lack of evidence.
^ Honestly, this. If this kind of evidence was accepted then people could so easily get a false ban. Someone could add someone then destroy the island themselves and report that person. I know it is no fun getting your island greifed and I am sorry that it happened to you, but it is not sufficient evidence. If you want to attempt to report them with the video then a mod can make the decision on if it is enough evidence or not then go ahead, but I do not believe that it is.
We are not saying you did, we are saying that it could be possible and if people were banned based off the evidence you provided, then that would result in an abundance of false bans and people framing people. With that being said, the proof you provided is not enough and there is not much that can be done. In the future make sure you are very cautious about who you add to your island to prevent this occuring again. If you do not agree with us, feel free to make a report in the report a player section (http://www.mineverse.com/forums/report-a-player.86/), using the template provided (http://www.mineverse.com/threads/in-game-report-template.108/).
Sorry, but I believe there's not enough evidence. The Mods want to make sure that you didn't purposely destroy your island to make it seem like he did. Exactly, but we can't be too sure. I once uploaded a report with lack of evidence, roughly like the same circumstances as you, but they didn't accept the report. Why? Because "grief my own island" to frame someone else is a thing. I hope you understand that as Moderators, they can't assume based on "Before" and "After". I also suggest you not flare up and use swear words while you have a Mod App open.