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    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by finn e-b, May 20, 2014.

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    1. finn e-b

      finn e-b Active Member

      May 20, 2014
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      How old are you?i am currently 14 years old and will soon be 15
      Your in-game name:My in game name is Campingking
      What timezone are you in?(UTC+00:00)not sure sorry
      What country do you live in?I live in england near the midlands
      What languages do you speak?I speak english but ok french
      Why do you think you should become a mod?because i am mature and like to help people and also like to keep things ok as in no swearing,spamming,racism and bullying
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?at least 3-4 hours a day because i play factions alot
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?i have been playing on mineverse for 4-5 months and i am really enjoying it

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?well not exactly but i am a co-owner of a server because i was trusted and have helped the server out alot also might be promoted to an owner with the other owner.
      also i know this server is against hacking and i think i was hacked on factions:( so if im a moderator i will help get rid of them and make people not be afraid to play without getting raided quickly and rage:eek: so i would like to be admin plz :wacky::p:)also i am a nice guy so i care about the server not just because i want to me mod and i like to keep people happy like pokemaniac because he helped me apply for staff XD and thats the kind of person i want to be and i personally think you need more staff because alot of people spam and curse no offense thanks if you read the whole thing lol :what:also i want to get the community and to become friends with the people i meet.

      MORE REASONS I WANT BE MOD AND WHY I WOULD BE GOOD:well i am a nice guy in real life and play minecraft a fair bit also i really like the server and know their arent anough mods and people do what ever they want like spamming , swearing and advertising . i tryed to asked someone to stop spamming they just swore back and if i was mod i would give them warnings and pit a stop to dirty players who dont care about the server. Also i feel like that i can keep control of situations like if 2 people were arguring about something i would sort them out , and you already know that i want to help like the people who are actual moderators like pokemanciac(shout out to him) and to be positive and be happy THANKS FOR READING FROM CAMPINGKING :pomp::cool::p:);) Look , im not very good at explaining why i should be mod but all i know is that if you give me a chance i will suprise you and be very helpful , cheery and a good person Thats it PROMISE XD
      Last edited: May 21, 2014
    2. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      I think if you were to get to know the community a little better, your chances would increase.
    3. BrianNK

      BrianNK Well-Known Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      Please only BOLD the questions. It's hard to read. Also, you'll need more information regarding why you should be mod. More Info = Better Chance! Good Luck :)
    4. Mineterria

      Mineterria Boss Member

      Dec 23, 2013
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      I haven't really seen you in-game, good luck.
    5. finn e-b

      finn e-b Active Member

      May 20, 2014
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      thx mineterria my IGN is campingking
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