Bullies don't always have to use physical violence ;p Mental, verbal, physical, etc.. And why wouldn't he be a real one? .-.
I admire you. Our stories are similar, but yours is worse. :( Both of us were bullied in school for stupid reasons (you because your dad was gay, and me because my "friend" was spreading rumors about me taking only 2 showers per week (Both are ridiculous reasons)) But you got bullied when you were younger than me, for a longer period and even bullied by your girlfriend! Me too, I couldn't sleep, but I wasn't crying! This bullying must have been horrid for you. Nobody should bully other people for outreagous reasons. It could lead to depressions, which sometimes lead to suicides! :ah A world without bullying would be a better place for all of us.
I fully understand you, but I just didn't want to hold this as a secret, well I do, but for this is such a special community which is very lovely with alot of kind people, so I couldn't hold this as a secret.
Aw it saddens me that there are people who are that low, I hope the future is a lot less saturated with rude people :P
Thank you, ertuiop. I hope that you also feel better after getting bullied. Also why would someone bully eachother for taking 2 showers each week. That's dumb..
nab you didn't tell me you were bullied at school. same thing applies to you^^^^ #BullyingIsForPlebs2k16
ikno m8, just tell them to 1v1 you irl no guns, they'll get rekt. or you can do it the saitama way 100 push ups 100 sit ups 100 swats 10km running every single day powaaaag get moar powaaaaaaaa
Woah, That must of been hard to go through. You are very brave to post something like this, Happy to hear that you are still here. Some people just give up... If this ever happen to you again, Just keep your head high! Good Luck.