Introduction - My name is Alex. I come from England and speak Spanish and fluent english I'm 16 years old, and I'd love you to read my application! The first day I joined, a friend of mine in real life, told me about this server. A long time ago, I usually recorded every hacker I saw on Op pvp, and I enjoyed it very much. I was a huge fan of op pvp, but I started playing kitpvp the older I got. Mineverse has always been in my heart, because this was one of the first minecraft servers I ever joined. The main reason I wanted to make a moderator application is because, Iv'e heard you don't have as many EU mods as you need, and I have never liked rule breakers. It was very frustrating to see rule breakers grow to get more and more overpowered, therefore I stopped recording them because they were too crowded. I'd LOVE to make the players online feel safe, by giving them the oppurtunity to have an EU moderator. Everyday after school, I know there's no other moderators online (because of the timezone) and I want to do everything I can do help the players, by making the server clean for hackers. Hackers appear mostly when there is no other moderators online, which I want to change. Your In game Name - My in game name is __NitroPvP__ also known as "Axeman_, _Wolf_Slayer_, ToxicVenomPvP and Alexieoo". How old are you? Like i said earlier, 16 years old. What timezone are you in? I am in Europe/London. Greenwich Mean Time Zone What country do you live in? I live in Norway. Have you ever been banned? (if yes, why?) I have been banned for Mute Evasion, (I didn't know this was a thing, will NOT happen again) Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) I do have the necessary means of capturing evidence. I use fraps and screenshots. Why do you think you should become a mod? - The reason I want to become a mod is - - I'd like to help out the server by being online on a European timezone, and trying to find rule breakers. There's no online moderators when I'm online, and I'd love to fill in that hole. When I come online right after school, I always do /staff, and there's nobody online. I then go to the kitpvp game mode, or op pvp. And there's a lot of cheaters online. After my experience, the rule breakers is online when there's nobody online. I mostly stay on the pvp game modes until it comes US mods online, and I would tell them about some of the people I've seen. I'd like to fill in this space, by being online when no other mods is. - I love helping players by answering questions and giving players the best service you can ask for. - I'm very active in chat, by answering questions that new people who joined for the first time asks. I can answer basically all of the questions new players asks. - I'd love to try out the moderator role, even thought I think this fit for me. - I don't take part in any parties. I always look multi- sided before I take a decision. For example - A friend of mine, and a guy who I don't know is cyber bullying each other, I'd tell them both to ignore each other, or make a report if they feel/think the other person broke a rule. Skills of seeing hackers Since I have been playing mineverse for a long time, I know when I see a rule breaker or not. There is differences between being good or bad and/or hacking. My hobbies I play sports, do homework and gaming. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active on mineverse around 5-6 hours a'day, I may be a bit longer when I have things to do. I'm mostly active after school, when there's no online mods. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing mineverse for some time. I don't remember the exact amount of time, but probably 2-3 years. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I do not. But even with no experience, I will do my best to become better and better! Thanks for reading my application!
No support -Add color -Add some traits under why do you think you should become mod -Add more detail -Add more info under why do you think you should become mod -Never seen you in game -Never seen you in forums -Be more active -Be more active on forums -You don't meet the new requirements -Get to know the community -Do more reports -Add subtitles under why do you think you should become mod You seem interested enough. Listen to comments and talk advice. Good luck :D -Panda
Neutral. Your application isn't that bad, I just never saw you ingame and you're not that active on forums. Best of luck!
OK so no support for two major reasons, you don't meet the requirements to become a moderator which shows you did not read the threads you were supposed to read and you have two applications open
You will have your answer if you look at the comments that everyone gave you. @NinjaPanda stated most of them. No Support, good luck.
No support, you do not meet the requirements to apply for mod (stated here: 50 Post Count Two Factor Authentication - Click here to set up 2FA. 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums Moderators are required to have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication. Also add more color. Try making your application stand out from other people's. Do more reports, be more active on forums and in-game, and just get known through the community. Prove yourself to be helpful and friendly You should also tell the mods which application you would like to be closed...
No support. Please use the updated application, otherwise your application will be ignored. Also, you do not fit the requirements of a Moderator.