Here goes the worst Mod Application. I can think of. You do yours! Mine: My nam is donald but sometimes I like caling me pickle. I won't too b a mode betuz I wanna get lotss of freinds. I am cool and nic and plain huble. Don't judge me okay? If I get mod I will give evweewon a part of cypriot's stuff and wee will all be happy. Accept me!! Now your turn! ;)
My name is awesomedude1111111 and I wunt to be a modder on this server. I am 27 yrs old and I am very mature!! I want to bcome a modder coz I c lots of modders and they is very populars and everyon likes then ad I want to be moodder becuz I am rlly good at catching hacker. This 1 tiem this zombie killed me with his kill aura and I got him banned 4 hacks. So yeah! Accet me or I will cry!
hyi evry1 i wuna b mod un dus srver so i ban hakrs i um vry frenly wit co wrkrs so dey hlp me and me to am very kool gut lotz uf freindz m'y ign is skrublordz21 evry1 iz mai freindz if a noder mod bodderz ya yi weel ban dem i um 6.9 yrz old i is a mod un 6 oder srver me iz vry xperiencd butt i gut deemotd cuz i banded evry1 cuz i togt dey wre hakrz suprt mi ap ur yi wyl ban y'a
hewo guys i want 2 be a mod becuz they are so liked by everybodeh and so i want 2 be a mod so i can be lieked by everywon so pease accept my modarator applicaton btw i forgot i liek to ban hacurz so pease accept or i will hak u That's the best I could come up with XD :D
ello i am le one eh only jenn on deh serva mineverse. i am 9 yer ol'd i like the hot boys mesage me if u want 2 d8te @ my lil dumpster. i liek turtles. n ya this is my mud aplicati0n i hope i gut mud if i dont i will hak ever 1 here i will tak ova minecramberries . n ya have a gut day
Huy gys muy name is Jack. I can mod cuz I use hax, so i kno what dey look like. I can't be on 24/7 so rip hackers.
hal0 ma nam is bikcr770 i am m0de on 999999 severs i am veriey gude at moding cuz3 i onlY g0t banede for "h4x1ng" i am not hecker i jut hav enof skil to eet wile runing and hite 4 peeple at wonse. i baned a hecker dat hecker was hecking al o t he kiled me in 5 hitz of dsw0rd when i had no amor dat is hax bu i gut baned 4 n0 reson 4 'mod abose' i am very nic i am oner on a sever cuz de hoste ofers sever 4 free and i kno how 2 donlode esentals wich iz osed 2 do stufffs in sevrer. i am veri nic 2 peplos ins1d srever i giv dem fre dimonts wen me is in cretative modde but i g0t baned for 'mod abose' i am very matore if i r8 miself on matore levle i am 123456787654345/10e !1!!!!!!1ONE!!1!!0NE!!11!!!!1! aso i hav titn rak mi mom bot it i did not hake it in i aslo plaid fOr 12 yers i am very experinced in minerverser1!1!1!!!ONE! i kno how 2 seletc a sever111!!1 okie ples asept me i wok veri harrd on tiping dis aplictaion it tok 4 moths i had 2 get Ds on 2 math teztz (it is veri hard dey test mee one kuistions lik 5 x 5 x 5 it is veri har dont juge) i can halp sever it sems liek it neds moar halp and i can halp da sever i wil mak pepols hapi by giving dem free dimonts!!1!!!!1!!ONE!!1!!!ONE!!!oNe!1! also i am cyps and nobcruws broder i no how 2 run sever dey teech me how and also i am also hypickel owner's brother toOo i can bee on 999 owers eech daie
Why is it a trend to assume that bad spelling and grammar instantly indicates that the person would be a bad moderator? I know that this is a joke thread, but please, in the future, try and be a little more original.
Here is the random oneI wana be a stuff becus I'm 4 and vury matur! I ben on minvers since a wek ago and I lov playing on dis servr. I am very smrt cuse I can spel smrt. I am in kindrgardn my teechr saes I can spel vry wel. if dis denyed I wil kil al of yo and I wil stok yo. I am stil in diprs and I poo evry 1 huor. I can ply cmpotr for 1 huor evry dai. Spoiler: Soportirs buttman101 Donald trump dummydude9076 global warming aZitFaceWhoIsUglY